Introducing Dee, Owner of Luminous Day Spa in South City

Front cover of our South City Calendar

Luminous Spa, February

Since Luminous Day Spa is featured in our calendar this month we thought it would be fun to meet up with Dee, the owner, and founder. We wanted to get to know her and her business a little more. She is a super fun, creative entrepreneur who is killing it on Grand Avenue. It was pure passion that made Luminous Day Spa a reality over 10 years ago. She saw a need and decided to take a leap of faith. She poured her heart and soul into creating a beautiful space for relaxation in a town that was lacking this sort of thing at the time. She showed us around the spa and we were impressed. Visit the spa and see for yourself. But be sure to check out the website for special February deals first! Check out the video below. Comment if you’ve been to the Spa lately or plan to. We hear the private spa parties are all the rage?


Visit to learn more!

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